February 17, 2012

The Dangers of Smoking

Are you aware a cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals. Yes 4000 chemicals. Most of which are de facto toxic and 11 of these compounds cause cancer.

If you are like most folks, you tend to focus on the enjoyment of a smoking a cigarette and close your mind to the harm it has on your body until your health starts to deteriorate. Don't beat yourself up this is human nature.

A good way to make up your mind about choosing to quit smoking is to learn about these harmful chemicals. If you come to be aware of the dangers these chemicals have on your system, I feel you'll be more thought about to quit, don't you agree?

A little facts about the some chemicals contained in cigarettes and the effects these chemicals can have on your body.

Don't worry I'm not going to exertion to describe all 4000 chemicals here.

There Are (3) Three Main Components of Cigarettes

Nicotine - Causes a surge of heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline (feels good). As the effects of nicotine on the brain and body wear off... Your urge for other cigarette increases. It's a never ending cycle. Do you think the cigarette associates realize this?

It's a never ending cycle. Do you think the cigarette associates realize this?

Tar - Contains many poisonous substances to the body. When you think of tar you think of a thick and sticky substance, like what's on you street.

But when you inhale tar from cigarettes, the tar sticks to the tiny hairs on your lungs which safe your lungs from dirt and infection.

Tar coats the walls of your whole respiration system,blocking your airways and reducing elasticity of your lungs, causing you to have shortness of breath.

This is why athletes shouldn't smoke... They come to be short-winded.

Carbon Dioxide - You've heard of carbon dioxide before. Remember your car's exhaust?

The carbon dioxide fumes decreases the oxygen in your blood, depriving all your organs of oxygen.

Because of the lack of oxygen in your blood, these fumes gets thicker and put a strain on your heart's ability to pump.

Other toxic components of cigarettes include:

Benzene - a solvent used in fuel and chemical manufacturing. (Wonderful)

Formaldehyde - a very poisonous liquid used to hold dead bodies. (You'll need this because you're going to die from smoking)

Ammonia< - a chemical found in cleaning fluids (Maybe it will clean you out)

Hydrogen cyanide - a poison used as a fumigant to kill ants. It is also used to fabricate plastics, dyes, and pesticides (Used in Ww2 gas chambers)

Cadmium - an very poisonous and radioactive metal found in batteries (Designed to give you a charge)

Acetone - a corrosive liquid solvent found in nail polish remover (Used in case you chew your fingernails.)

Arsenic - other ingredient in rat poison (Just in case you're a pest to your friends)

Would you agree all of these chemicals are hazardous to your health?

You know toxins lead to cancer. To help safe yourself from getting cancer, quit smoking

Can you see the advantage in using the best smoking aid on the shop as rated by old smokers to help you stop smoking?

The Dangers of Smoking

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