Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom. Senility, tumor in the head or neck region, exposure to loud noise, Acoustic neuroma, Meniere's disease, Atherosclerosis, Arteriovenous malformation, and many more such instances can cause tinnitus. Population suffering from tinnitus often take to medical designate drugs as the last resort, but it puts them in a precarious position of being forced to suffer negative side effects. Population normally wait and suffer for the symptoms to go away, or take refuge in either herbal rehabilitation or homeopathy.
Harmful Effects of designate Drugs
It is a barter ideas devised by the devil himself. When you are ingesting drugs that you think will cure tinnitus, you are neither being cured fully nor are you healthier. In fact, the drugs will impair your hearing and make you lose equilibrium. You will suffer vertigo, dizziness and connected conditions. It is foremost to know that medical drugs cause more harmful side effects than they cure. These drugs make the human cochlleo-vestibulate ideas malfunction, which results in the above side effects. The amino glycoside group of antibiotics are responsible for the above noted evils. Even coarse drugs as quinine, loop diuretics, platinum-based chemotherapy and even salicylates that are normally prescribed to treat minor fevers carry relatively high levels of toxicity. Soon, your body is a cesspool of toxic waste.
There is no solace in blaming doctors who seem to be poisoning us instead of curing us. Far from it. They know full well the side effects of the drugs they prescribe, but what other options do they have in contemporary medicine? Take the case of cancer. The Only rehabilitation is chemotherapy drugs, which in turn have negative side effects. Doctors designate because they do not have any other option. The toxicity of drugs vary dramatically across the spectrum, but All of them are toxic. They are safer or more perilous in relative terms. So doctors try to designate the less toxic of the drugs. Another speculate is the immediacy of relief that is in case,granted by contemporary medicine. These drugs, once administered, cause instant relief from the symptoms for which the sick person has visited the doctor in the first place. The side effects will kick in later as the blood slowly becomes toxic. But since that happens later, doctors sweep that under the carpet, so to say.
Research has not yet yielded a potent drug that is low on toxicity and high on medical properties. Most drugs are toxic, and none of them cure tinnitus satisfactorily. Look at the list below for the six groups of toxic drugs that are generally used:
o Various Aspirin and/or Aspirin- connected designate drugs that may cause tinnitus consist of Salicylates in varied forms.
o Tinnitus is caused by Loop Diuretics drugs that includes Bumex, Endecrin, Lasix.
o Many Non-steroid Ant-inflammatory designate drugs (Nsaids) that may cause tinnitus consist of Advil, Anaprox, Clinoril, Mortin, Indocain, Lodine, Naflon, Nuprine, Naprosyn, Felfdin and a few others not listed here.
o Tinnitus fostering Anti-Malarial drugs and muscle relaxing drugs consist of Quinine, Atabrine, Aralen, Q-Vel and a few more not listed here.
o Several Antibiotics that consist of Erythromycin, Aminoglycosides, Vancomycin and other 'mycin' group of medications.
o Tinnitus causing Chemotherapy agents consist of Cisplatin, Vincristine, Nitrogen mustard.
Be alarmed, but don't be fatalistic. Not everybody is affected by tinnitus as a result of chemotherapy. Study shows that out of 99 women treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer, 23 suffered from tinnitus after the treatment. Same is the case with Nsaids that are widely used for pain, inflammation and fever in most households. Even 23 is a high percentage, and the other side effects composition the problem.
The time has come to decide in the middle of the temporary and the permanent. Do we aspire for instant relief from distressful symptoms that may be perilous to our bodies? Or, do we need a more permanent cure? It is a no-brainer. Say no to designate drugs. Let holistic rehabilitation treat tinnitus. It treats the root cause of tinnitus, and does not try to alleviate the symptoms only, like approved medicine. Once holistic rehabilitation cures the cause, it cures the symptoms, too! To cure tinnitus enduringly and quickly, take refuge in holistic medicine.
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