September 14, 2012

Squirrels - Cute Creatures or Maniacal Miscreants?

Whether you fancy the four-legged furballs, with their bushy tails and puffy cheeks, or devise ways to keep the devious evil-doers off your property, one thing is certain: squirrels love to chew on lead roof flashings.

One would think the toxicity of the lead would lead to positive death, but alas that doesn't seem to be true for the toothsome terrors. The lead flashings attract squirrels, just like honey attracts flies. The edges of the flashings are perfectly molded and entice the squirrels to chew and chew and chew until your lead flashing deteriorates and resembles a piece of swiss cheese. Once they have gnawed all your lead flashings to nubs and scraps not worthy of recycling, they'll move on to other nefarious acts.

What could be worse than having your roof flashings eaten to non-existence? How about hosting a party in your attic and walls for all the neighborhood pests? How about turning your attic into a pool? Although slight Johnny and Susie may jump for joy at the hope of having a new pet (or hundred) and they would probably love having their very own indoor pool (bragging rights!), you may not be so happy. When the lead flashings are gnawed to nubs and your roof penetrations are left unprotected, you run the risk of causing major damage to your home.

Unprotected flashings allow water to seep into your home. Water damage stinks, literally. When you have a slow leak in your home or attic, it could take weeks or months to consideration any signs of water intrusion. During that time, the water is gently working its way into your attic, insulation, framing, and walls and causing all sorts of destruction. Do you suffer from allergies? Then you categorically won't like the mold, fungus, and bacteria that will multiply and spread rampantly straight through your house. Do you cringe at the notion of inhaling the fumes of a dirty gym sock? Then you will hate the dank aroma that will jab every room of your house.

If you aren't a fan of unexpected water intrusion, then how about playing host to hundreds of pests? That's exactly what will happen if your flashings are damaged and unprotected. Ants, spiders, termites, cockroaches, snakes, mice, rats, squirrels, and other unwelcome houseguests will intrude upon home; turning your personal sanctuary into a bug and rodent infested resort. They'll start out in your attic and swiftly spread out in hopes of seeing food and shelter. When your house-crashers are feeling comfortable, they will start rabbits.

If you are sufficiently creeped out and wondering if your lead flashings are squirrel bait, then continue reading and you'll learn how to safe your home from intrusive water and pests.

Flashings come in two options: lead and neoprene. As you've discovered, squirrels love lead flashings. However, they turn their noses up at neoprene flashings. If you have lead flashings, don't fret. You have a merge of options to deplete your squirrel smorgasbord.

First, you can categorically replace your lead flashings with reasonable neoprene flashings. Neoprene flashings can be found at most home correction shop or roofing provide stores. The only type of lead flashing that cannot be replaced is a power flashing. (Neoprene and electrical lines just don't mix.)

Second, you can retrofit your lead flashings with a plastic cover. There are many options available and they come in a collection of sizes and colors.The covers are reasonable and easy to install. Most roofing provide shop carry a collection of lead flashing covers.

If you are concerned about your lead flashings, you should have them inspected by a licensed roofing contractor. After inspection, the roofing contractor will tell you which options are best fine for your home and will install your preferred choice. Then you can rest assured knowing that your roof is no longer a buffet for squirrels.

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May 20, 2012

How to Detect Bed Bugs on Your Own

Insect infestations can not only be a nuisance any way there can pose important health risks. As such, it is advised that insect infestations of any type should be dealt with immediately. One of the worst types of infestation to have to deal with is a bed bug problem. These insects are more difficult to get rid of than ants or roaches. They are also harder to spot because the nocturnal nature of the parasite and therefore it is imperative that you escort a suitable inspection must in order to determine the nature and scale of the problem.

In order to confirm that the insects are in your house or apartment, you should know what bed bugs are and what they look like, as well as their habits. These parasites are small, reddish-brown, flat insects that hide in mattresses, dressers and electrical outlets. The insects need human off animal blood to survive. Their bites consequent in red welts that are ordinarily in a pattern of three or four bites. The insects like to feed on parts of the body such as the outer upper arm, torso, and ankles. discover your body for bites, and make sure anyone else that resides in the house or apartment is checked for bites and welts on their bodies as well. The process of removing these parasites is very difficult since they rarely make their presence known while the day.

Examine the sheets and covers for blood spots. Be sure to flip the mattress and box spring. Thoroughly discover the corners of the mattress, as this is where the parasites like to hide. This introductory inspection must be careful, and you will need to return again after treatment and re-inspect just as completely.

Remove bedding together with mattress pads, pillows and quilts in every bed in the house or apartment. Put all bedding, together with clothes in closets and children's stuffed toys, into plastic garbage sacks. The goal of this is to detach the infestation. The most productive treatments are ones that make usage of high temperatures. High temperature higher forty-five degrees kill bed bugs instantly. By exposing all beddings elements to high temperature you will be able to eliminate alive beg bugs and their eggs.

Cold treatment is also can be used to kill these parasites. This is really non-toxic formula of getting rid of bed bugs. This approach can be used even in areas that experience with food and other home activities proceeds. Now that you have detected and confirmed on your own that you have these distractive insects, you can take the valuable steps to get rid of them.

How to Detect Bed Bugs on Your Own

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May 3, 2012

How to control Termite Infestation

Termite infestation can be a very hazardous question for homeowners. It is highly alarming for those who live in wooden constructions. Termites are like ants. They build a colony and eat the wood that supports the house causing damage to the infrastructure.

There are various ways to address termite infestation and forestall them from advent back.

· Chemicals-Some chemicals meant to kill termites can be sprayed on wood to stop and kill the termite infestation. This technique may last for up to some years. Chemicals though can be very harmful to small children as it saturates the wood and the soil to which it has been sprayed.

· Poison- Wood sprayed with poison can be used to kill termites. The ensue is not well instantaneous. It is designed to be like this so as to let the poison change to the other termites once the termite stricken with poison returns to the colony.

· Sodium Borate-Coating wood with a layer of sodium borate is a preventive means for termites advent back again. The liquid coating repels the termites and lasts for some years.

· Termite tenting or Fumigation- It is done by trapping to toxic fumes into the home and fog the termites therefore eradicating their colony. This process is used to kill drywood termites. It is very high-priced and costs colse to three to five thousand dollars but is the most efficient means of eradicating termite colony.

The eradication of termite infestation involves the use of chemicals that can be very harmful for the health. It is important that they be done conscientiously and cautiously.

How to control Termite Infestation

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April 28, 2012

The Dangers of Pesticides and the Epa's Harrowing Plan to Test Them on Kids

Pesticides are a ubiquitous toxin in our environment. We spray them liberally on ants and spiders in our homes, use them in our gardens and on our lawns, fog our streets with them to kill mosquitoes-even spread them on our own bodies to keep bugs away.

Farmers use 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides every year-and most have been found by the Epa to be carcinogenic.

But that's not all. American farmers use 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides each year-that's 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides sprayed onto the food that we, and our children, eat. And it's not just fruits and vegetables; meats consist of pesticides too because the animals eat feed that has been heavily sprayed.

Plus, pesticides are used in many buyer products, together with paints, cosmetics, food packaging, fabrics, carpets and practice mats. And they're used extensively in parks and other recreational areas-golf courses are some of the biggest offenders; in one year they use seven or eight times the pesticides used on a comparable sized area of agricultural land.

The U.S. Environmental protection group (Epa) has registered close to 900 pesticides, which are formulated into over 20,000 products, according to the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides.

Some 60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of insecticides are known to be carcinogenic, says the Epa, and these pesticides contaminate our groundwater, our air and the very food we eat.

What Are the condition Effects of All These Pesticides?

Animal and human studies on individual pesticides have shown that they conduce to an alarming estimate of condition problems like:

* Cancer

* Fertility problems

* Brain tumors

* Childhood leukemia

* Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

* Birth defects

* Irritation to skin and eyes

* Hormone or endocrine system problems

* Nervous system damage

Children are especially at risk from the toxic effects of pesticides. Their bodies are still developing and immature, production them susceptible to such damage. In fact, studies by the National Academy of Sciences and the Environmental Working Group have found that children exposed to carcinogenic pesticides are at a high risk of time to come cancer and other studies thought about that pesticide use was associated with an increased risk of childhood malignancies.

Knowing this information, think, then, just how outrageous it is that we shampoo our children with pesticides to kill head lice.

But all of these negative effects have been found largely from studies that typically focus on one individual pesticide. Who, then, is learning the cumulative effects on the body of all the varied pesticides we're exposed to, and that we consume, over years?

The Epa's Testing Pesticides on Kids?

That kids are so vulnerable to pesticide exposure is legitimately why the Epa chose them to study, and back in October 2004, they were given .1 million to do just that. Who were the granters of this large sum? The American Chemistry Council, a chemical business front group with such big wigs as Monsanto, Exxon and Dow.

The two-year study-called the Children's Environmental Exposure explore Study (Cheers)-would monitor infants in low-income families to decide how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed by babies to children up to age 3, as well as the condition effects they would cause.

Families in the Epa's Cheers pesticide study would receive a t-shirt, video camcorder, bib, calendar, framed certificate, newsletter and 0.

Surprisingly, the Epa chose to name the entirely serious study a flippant "Cheers." Study participants would receive 0, a t-shirt, a bib for their baby, a calendar, a newsletter, a framed certificate of appreciation and a video camcorder.

While the study does not wish participants to change the level of pesticides in their home, nor does it expose them to any additional chemicals, it does wish that they demonstrate a use of these toxic products in their home. Opponents are involved that low-income families will up their pesticides use just to be complicated in the study.

They also noted that since the study is partially industry-funded, it represents a friction of interest. Most effects of pesticides are seen in the long-term, so it is unlikely that adverse effects will be seen during the short-term study. The follow would be that the chemical business could then claim an Epa study found their pesticides safe and push for looser regulations for their use.

Said Epa Pesticide Scientist Troy Pierce, "This does sound like it goes against all we recommend at Epa concerning use of [pesticides] associated to children. Paying families in Florida to have their homes routinely treated with pesticides is very sad when we at Epa know that [pesticide management] should always be used to safe children."

In November 2004 the study was postponed, largely because of the communal controversy that arose around it, for a "final review" but is scheduled to resume in spring 2005.

It is legitimately a step in the right direction that the Epa is taking strides to study the effects of pesticides that we're all exposed to. However, their proposed "compensation" for participating in this very serious study includes some gimmicky items: a free t-shirt, bib and calendar? And it even has a gimmicky name (Cheers?), which may illustrate why the communal was so alarmed when it appeared an industry-funded study was seeking to draw in low-income families to monitor their use of chemicals that the government already knows are toxic.

What's the Good News?

There is good news in all of this, and that is: It is potential to reduce your exposure to pesticides (though, admittedly, you probably can't reduce it to zero). The top ways to do this include:


Buy certified organic fruits, vegetables and meats (be sure to wash produce, particularly commercially grown produce, thoroughly before eating using a diluted soap solution)


Avoid the use of toxic pesticides in your home and yard (opt for natural pesticides that you can find in your local condition food store instead)


Don't use pesticides for aesthetic purposes like dandelions in your lawn

* Don't use chemical bug repellants or lice shampoos

The Dangers of Pesticides and the Epa's Harrowing Plan to Test Them on Kids

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April 23, 2012

Termite Treatments Used in Sydney, Australia

There area number of termite treatments available, but which are the most cost efficient and what works the best to stop termites in their tracks in Sydney, Australia?

In Sydney, the proper termite treatment involves applying termiticide as a continuous barrier in the soil nearby the house, termite baits, installing continuous termite shields at the top of the foundation, and/or termite reticulation systems. Other termite treatments contain termiticide foam, using crushed granite (trade name Granitgard) or steel mesh cloth (Termimesh) as a corporeal barrier, moisture control, and wood elimination. A mixture of methods are used for "integrated pest management," as many times a single technique is not enough.

Termite Baits

Termite baits are a great indicator of the nearnessy of termites and are an efficient way to kill the colony causing the problem. Sentricon makes such a system. Fmc makes FirstLine, a termite baiting center using an insecticide stomach poison in a cellulose matrix. Fmc is modifying their stock to concentrate untreated stations that last longer than treated bait stations. The bait is a cellulose food treated with termiticide, a toxic substance and/or insect increase regulator. The food is wood or laminated-texture cellulose, which is favoured by termites. Termites eat the treated food and carry it back to the nest, reducing the size of the colony. The termiticide in the bait works gently enough that termites have a chance to go back to the nest instead of dying near the bait, because dead termites repel other termites.

It's not recommended by this firm as a standalone treatment, unless it is confident where the termites are advent from. Well settled baits are a frontline indicator of termite action and often used to supplement soil barrier treatments. We prefer to use Termidor for termite treatments in most circumstances, as it is a low toxic alternative which termites stray through treated areas at random and pick up poison to take back to the nest. Unlike high toxic repellents, it does not wish a continuous barrier nearby your home. Termite baits may be used a supplement for efficient termite control.

Why are termites a qoute in Sydney?

Termites (often incorrectly called 'white ants') feed on wood and serve an leading function in nature by converting dead trees into organic matter. Unfortunately, the wood in buildings and other structures such as wooden power poles is equally appetising to termites, so they can cause serious damage which may be very high-priced to repair.

There are many species of termites in Australia, of which about 20 species can eat sound wood in buildings; those causing most damage to buildings are communal insects that live in subterranean colonies that may contain up to 200,000 individuals.

Bushland is a feature within most suburbs of our most populous capital city, and many of these trees have been removed to make way for housing development.

In order to articulate humidity and to protect themselves from extreme weather conditions, a colony (or nest) of subterranean termites may be up to 6-7 metres below the soil exterior and have wide tunnel networks that can enlarge up to 100 metres from the nest.

How can buildings be protected against termites?

Control techniques for termites can essentially be divided into two types, arresting and treatment. Prophylactic measures are in fact applied while the building of new buildings, but some (eg. Stainless steel mesh, or a layer of granite chips) are not very favorable for existing buildings or structures.

Prevention of charge in Sydney, Nsw Australia

Building build can sell out the chances of termite damage. leading strategies contain reducing the number of timber used in buildings, a properly designed concrete slab with edges exposed for inspection for termite activity, or provision for easy under-floor inspections of timber floors. Premise of a reticulated principles under the concrete slab can also to allow chemical barriers to be applied and re-applied whenever necessary.

Chemical barriers

Chemicals that are used to kill termites are called termiticides. Termiticides have differing modes of action, and several methods are used to apply them.

For many new buildings, creation of a termiticide-treated layer of soil surrounding and under the building form an integrated barrier together with the corporeal methods described above.

The termiticide is applied to the soil under the slab and nearby the footings, pipes, conduits and other structures of the house while building to originate a vertical barrier. Added loosened soil nearby the perimeter of the house, together with nearby all pipes and aid facilities, is treated while and after building to from a horizontal barrier.

Timber intended for use in the building of houses, outbuildings, fences and other outdoor structures is often treated with chemicals by dipping and pressure or vacuum impregnation.

Treatment of Sydney infestations

Treatment of a termite infestation in an existing buildings in this area of Australia also requires an integrated approach, together with destruction of termites within the timber structures, measures to find and destroy the termite nest, re-establishment of a chemical and/or corporeal barrier, and regular inspections to detect any ongoing or new termite activity.

For existing buildings, where signs of infestation have been detected, chemical treatment is usually the best option for destroying termites and re-establishing a barrier.


Active Ingredient Imidacloprid a member of the relatively new class of chemicals called chloronicotinyls. It is used to originate a barrier or treated zone in the soil where it attracts termites, which die within the treated zone.

Brand - Premise, from Bayer

Type - Chloro-Nicotinyl (an insect nerve inhibitor)

Toxicity - Rated S5. "Practically non-toxic" both oral and dermal.

Odour - This water-based insecticide is almost odourless.

Longevity - The label claims "at least two years". Bayer propose us that they are intending to re-label claiming 5 years.

Bayer's printed data states "At Csiro test sites, Premise was efficient for a minimum of 2 years with more than 6 years operate achieve at some sites. Trial work in infested buildings has shown that more than 90 per cent are still termite free 5-6 years after treatment.

Bayer also claim that Imidacloprid has some indirect colony operate effect. In other words, it will kill termites without repelling them, and can have a negative consequent on the health and numbers of any colony infesting the immediate area.


Brand - Biflex Aqua from F.M.C.

Type - synthetic pyrethroid water based termiticide

Toxicity - Rated S6, oral - "slightly toxic", dermal - "practically non-toxic".

Odour - This water based termiticide is almost odourless.

Longevity - the label claims "at least 10 years" when applied at maximum strength. In practical conditions nearby a typical home, due to water exposure, disturbance of orchad beds etc Stc recommends re-treatment each 5 years.

A characteristic of Bifenthrin is that it binds very speedily and strongly to the soil particles. This makes it a good option where moisture movement in the soil may be a factor. On the downside, for the same reason, it tends to be filtered out by the soil so that it will not seep through the soil and perforate some target areas as well as a stock like as Imidacloprid.


Brand -Termidor from Basf

Active Ingredient Fipronil - Benzisothiazolin

Toxicity -Rated S6, oral-harmful if swallowed, dermal-may irritate skin, does not effortlessly perforate skin. Repeated exposure may cause allergic reaction.

Odour - has a minute vegetable oil smell.

Longevity - re-treatment each 5 years should be expected.

Termidor was launched in 2002 after some presentations from the Usa, where it is used extensively.

In Australia it was introduced shortly afterwards, speedily building up a reputation as "the best" termiticide. This is because of claims made that it has strong indirect colony operate effects. The effectiveness of Fipronil as a termiticide is beyond doubt. Fipronil is an very low toxic active insecticide. It is applied by spraying, trenching and soil rodding as a chemical soil barrier nearby existing structures, and may also be used to protect poles and fence posts.

Accordingly, A1 Pest operate regards this stock as "top of the range" and its cost premium is commonly worthwhile on jobs where a continuous soil treatment is unlikely to be achievable due to building characteristics.

N.B. - A1 Pest operate Pty Ltd cannot warrant that colony operate will occur, since this will depend on many factors together with the termite pressure nearby the single areas treated. The best protection is achieved by the formation of a continuous soil treatment in conjunction with a usually monitored termite baiting system.

Termite Treatments Used in Sydney, Australia

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April 18, 2012

Riddex Plus Pest control law delineate

Riddex Plus pest control law is the best law for getting rid of vermin and pests such as roaches and ants without having to kill them or use toxic chemicals that can harm your house or pets. When it comes to getting rid of pests, the electromagnetic technology of Riddex Plus Pest control works best.

Getting rid of pest and vermin infestations are requisite if you want to keep these disease ridden creatures away from your home. Most citizen are becoming more aware of the dangers when it comes to using spray chemicals to get rid of these infestations. In expanding to dangers of toxins around your family, many do not like the idea of using mousetraps to kill mice as they feel it is an inhumane way for the mouse to die. In addition, a mousetrap can end up causing harm to children and pets in the family. On top of that, who de facto wants to dispose of the dead mouse in the trap?

Using a law like Riddex Plus Pest control law to get rid of both vermin and pests is the best solution for anyone who is finding for a proactive coming to retention their home free from these infestations. This technology will not kill the creatures, but will drive them away from your home by using technology that interferes with their nervous system. This will make them not want to live in your home any longer and flee. In addition, it will keep future pests or vermin infestations from occurring.

Riddex Plus is safe to use, does not hire the use of toxins and is also listed as a safe way to rid the home of pests and vermin from the Epa. If you are finding for an sufficient and environmentally kindly way to rid your home of pests and vermin, you can use Riddex Plus Pest control System.

Riddex Plus Pest control law delineate

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April 13, 2012

Poisoned In The Home - Black Mold Symptoms And medicine

Black mold is bad news for your body, and if exposed, you need to get your symptoms treated quickly. Until recently, population generally didn't believe that so many base problems were caused by black mold. But, modern explore has been finding into the symptoms and medicine of black mold exposure.

The number one medicine is... You guessed it, prevention! I know, if you are suffering from exposure symptoms, it's already too late, but if you make your house a hostile alien environment for that nasty black mold, your symptoms will disappear.

There are toxic and non-toxic varieties of mold. First, let's look at ways to treat your non-toxic mold suffering.

Non-Toxic Mold

The most base black mold symptoms resemble those of a base cold, or what we regularly refer to vaguely as "allergies." Since mold problem is often linked with poor ventilation, one way to treat your stuffy nose and sinus problem is to naturally open the windows and get some fresh air. Then, after you feel better, creep around the house and find the mold and kill it.

You'll often caress these symptoms in certain parts of the house only. Your nose will tell you which part of your house is harboring the mold. If, for example, you get stuffed up when you go into the basement, you know there's a mold problem there.

There is no sufficient medicine to mold if you don't get rid of it. And, there is no way to get rid of mold unless you get rid of the conditions that cause the mold. Keep your house dry and well-ventilated, and check often the areas where mold is prone to grow.

Toxic Mold

Toxic mold is a separate story and it is altogether more serious. Symptoms can be pretty wide-ranging. Doctors have identified at least 50 symptoms linked with black mold. Some of the most base include:

-Cold or sinus symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose or headache

-Sore throat

-Persistent cough

-Itchy or red eyes

-Rashes or hives

-Nausea and fever


-Fatigue or general malaise

-Memory or hearing loss


-Shortness of breath

-Lightheadedness and dizziness

This is a pretty big list, but it's not everything. Some of these are very serious symptoms. With all of them, it's difficult to tell if the cause is mold-related or not. The permissible determination is necessary for the permissible treatment.

If you fancy there may be mold in your house, you should hire a licensed mold inspector to take samples. When you see the doctor, tell them that you believe you may have mold, and this will help them diagnose you.

These symptoms tell you that there is a toxic form of mold in your home, and your doctor may recommend a detox program. Mold spores have gotten into your respiratory law and dispatched mircotoxins throughout your body. That is why you caress such wide-ranging symptoms like memory loss or stomach trouble. Learn to stop toxic black mold from our site.

Aside from removing the cause, there are other treatments available. Your doctor may prescription antihistimines or other nasal decongestants. These will not take off the allergy, but will contribute temporary relief from symptoms. At the very least, they'll help you breath better.

If it is considered that your single allergy is a form of asthma, your doctor will contribute tougher stuff. This may contain an inhaler and stronger drugs.

Severe cases may involve immunotherapy. With immunotherapy, a doctor gives you shots of a small quantity of the irritant that is causing your allergic reaction. Following the precise regiment of shots and drugs over time, your body will form its own immunity to the allergen. Immunotherapy has shown considerable results in the medicine of asthma and other allergies, but it is used only for particularly severe cases.

Before finding your doctor, make sure you know in information what is causing the allergy. You should know how much mold you've been exposed to and where in the house it is. This will help you to sass their questions so they can contribute the best medicine possible.

Poisoned In The Home - Black Mold Symptoms And medicine

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April 11, 2012

Other Controversial Insecticides

Another controversial insecticide is 2,2-dichloro-vinyl dimethyl phosphate, better known as dichlorvos or Ddvp. This chemical has been used since 1948 but has never been fully tested for safety. It is extremely toxic to insects and - some believe - even to man.

The World health organization (Who) classifies Ddvp as a "highly hazardous" insecticide. Studies made by the Us National Cancer form show that Ddvp causes cancer in animals and may damage the liver and nervous system.

Consumer Reports said the worst offenders are hanging pest strips that contain Ddvp since they continuously publish this deadly vapor in the air and growth your odds of getting cancer by about one in 100.

"According to other Epa estimates, weekly use of ant and roach sprays containing dichlorvos may growth your cancer risk by one in 10,000. Dogs and cats wearing flea collars impregnated with dichlorvos. Run an increased cancer risk of one in 100; population who live with pets wearing such collars also bear an increased risk, about one in 10,000," said buyer Reports.

That perception, however, may soon change. A up-to-date Epa report classifies Ddvp in the same level as permethrin, other insecticide which is ordinarily regarded as non-toxic to humans.

If that classification sticks, that means Ddvp is no guiltier of causing cancer than other less hazardous insecticides and can be safely used at home. Until the final word is out, extreme caution is advised when using products containing this chemical.

Compared to Ddvp, permethrin may not unmistakably kill insects. Weaker formulations may naturally stun bugs for a while. But this chemical also has a dark side. It can make life miserable for asthmatics and other sensitive individuals.

"Asthmatics and population sensitive to pollen should avoid permethrin at all costs. Inhaling or even touching this chemical could bring on a severe allergic attack. Some permethrin products are said to be purified and therefore non-allergenic; but if they are, we couldn't tell which from the product's labels," said the editors of buyer Reports.(Next: Kinds of insecticides.)

To enlarge your body against diseases that bugs bring, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a salutary immune system.

Other Controversial Insecticides

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April 9, 2012

prescribe Drugs Cause Tinnitus - Fact Or Fiction?

Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom. Senility, tumor in the head or neck region, exposure to loud noise, Acoustic neuroma, Meniere's disease, Atherosclerosis, Arteriovenous malformation, and many more such instances can cause tinnitus. Population suffering from tinnitus often take to medical designate drugs as the last resort, but it puts them in a precarious position of being forced to suffer negative side effects. Population normally wait and suffer for the symptoms to go away, or take refuge in either herbal rehabilitation or homeopathy.

Harmful Effects of designate Drugs

It is a barter ideas devised by the devil himself. When you are ingesting drugs that you think will cure tinnitus, you are neither being cured fully nor are you healthier. In fact, the drugs will impair your hearing and make you lose equilibrium. You will suffer vertigo, dizziness and connected conditions. It is foremost to know that medical drugs cause more harmful side effects than they cure. These drugs make the human cochlleo-vestibulate ideas malfunction, which results in the above side effects. The amino glycoside group of antibiotics are responsible for the above noted evils. Even coarse drugs as quinine, loop diuretics, platinum-based chemotherapy and even salicylates that are normally prescribed to treat minor fevers carry relatively high levels of toxicity. Soon, your body is a cesspool of toxic waste.

There is no solace in blaming doctors who seem to be poisoning us instead of curing us. Far from it. They know full well the side effects of the drugs they prescribe, but what other options do they have in contemporary medicine? Take the case of cancer. The Only rehabilitation is chemotherapy drugs, which in turn have negative side effects. Doctors designate because they do not have any other option. The toxicity of drugs vary dramatically across the spectrum, but All of them are toxic. They are safer or more perilous in relative terms. So doctors try to designate the less toxic of the drugs. Another speculate is the immediacy of relief that is in case,granted by contemporary medicine. These drugs, once administered, cause instant relief from the symptoms for which the sick person has visited the doctor in the first place. The side effects will kick in later as the blood slowly becomes toxic. But since that happens later, doctors sweep that under the carpet, so to say.

Research has not yet yielded a potent drug that is low on toxicity and high on medical properties. Most drugs are toxic, and none of them cure tinnitus satisfactorily. Look at the list below for the six groups of toxic drugs that are generally used:

o Various Aspirin and/or Aspirin- connected designate drugs that may cause tinnitus consist of Salicylates in varied forms.
o Tinnitus is caused by Loop Diuretics drugs that includes Bumex, Endecrin, Lasix.
o Many Non-steroid Ant-inflammatory designate drugs (Nsaids) that may cause tinnitus consist of Advil, Anaprox, Clinoril, Mortin, Indocain, Lodine, Naflon, Nuprine, Naprosyn, Felfdin and a few others not listed here.
o Tinnitus fostering Anti-Malarial drugs and muscle relaxing drugs consist of Quinine, Atabrine, Aralen, Q-Vel and a few more not listed here.
o Several Antibiotics that consist of Erythromycin, Aminoglycosides, Vancomycin and other 'mycin' group of medications.
o Tinnitus causing Chemotherapy agents consist of Cisplatin, Vincristine, Nitrogen mustard.

Be alarmed, but don't be fatalistic. Not everybody is affected by tinnitus as a result of chemotherapy. Study shows that out of 99 women treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer, 23 suffered from tinnitus after the treatment. Same is the case with Nsaids that are widely used for pain, inflammation and fever in most households. Even 23 is a high percentage, and the other side effects composition the problem.

The time has come to decide in the middle of the temporary and the permanent. Do we aspire for instant relief from distressful symptoms that may be perilous to our bodies? Or, do we need a more permanent cure? It is a no-brainer. Say no to designate drugs. Let holistic rehabilitation treat tinnitus. It treats the root cause of tinnitus, and does not try to alleviate the symptoms only, like approved medicine. Once holistic rehabilitation cures the cause, it cures the symptoms, too! To cure tinnitus enduringly and quickly, take refuge in holistic medicine.

prescribe Drugs Cause Tinnitus - Fact Or Fiction?

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April 6, 2012

B Thuringiensis - A Boon Or Bane?

We are surrounded by many small organisms which are not illustrated to our naked eyes. These limited organisms are called as microorganisms. The base microorganisms which are present in our environment include bacteria, viruses, protozoans etc. Some of them are beneficial and some are the causative agents of harmful diseases. One such beneficial bacterium is the Bacillus thuringiensis which belongs to the kingdom Eubacteria and class Bacili. The name Bacillus thuringiensis was given by Berliner in 1915. Bacillus thuringiensis is de facto a Gram confident bacterium which dwells in soil and is generally used as a pesticide. It has also been reported in the gut of many caterpillars and moths and also in some plants.

Bacillus thuringiensis was first discovered by a Japanese biologist Shigetane Ishiwata in 1901. It was rediscovered in 1910 in Germany by Ernst Berliner as a causative agent of disease in the flour moth. Bacillus thuringiensis is closely associated to B. Cereus which is a soil bacterium and B. Anthracis which causes anthrax. These three differ in their plasmids. All these three are aerobes and share in endospore formation. During sporulation B. Thuringiensis produces proteinaceous crystals called δ-endotoxins which are encoded by cry genes and have insecticidal properties. These cry genes are found in the plasmid of the bacterium. The cry toxins are found to be toxic to the organisms like moths, butterflies, mosquitoes, flies, beetles, wasps, bees, ants and nematodes. So it is clear that B. Thuringiensis is helpful in the output of pest resistant crops. When the insects ingest the cry toxins the alkaline medium of their gut causes activation of these toxins which cause lysis of the cell membrane of the gut and ultimately resulting in death of the insect.

The crystalline proteins produced by B. Thuringiensis possess insecticidal properties so have been used against insect pest control since 1920s. They are specifically used with the trade names Dipel and Thuricide. The insecticides prepared with the crystalline proteins of B. Thuringiensis are environmental cordial and have no or limited side succeed on humans, animals and insect pollinators. Plants Genetic Systems a Belgian business in 1985 for the first time developed the genetically modified plants by incorporating the cry genes of B. Thuringiensis in them. B. Thuringiensis based insecticides are also used in the form of sprays which are later on ingested by the pests and it results in the lysis of the gut and ultimately death of the pest. A strain of B. Thuringiensis known as Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis is succeed against the mosquito control.

B. Thuringiensis have been incorporated in crops specially the cotton and the corn and have resulted in yield growth when planted in the fields for the first time in 2006. It is believed that the Bt crops are a boon to the poor farmers. There are several advantages of using the Bt crops as the expression of toxin can be very high and so sufficient dosage can be delivered to the pest. The toxin level can be additional enhanced or lowered depending upon the severity of the pest. There are confident limitations of the B. Thuringiensis produced toxins also as quarterly use of these toxins can make the pest resistant to the toxins and thus reducing the crop yield. According to a narrative of 2009 the pink bollworm a serious pest of cotton has become resistant to the B. Thuringiensis produced toxins in Gujarat, Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Amreli in India and thus, ineffective in killing of this hazardous pest. Many farmers also committed suicide in dissimilar states of India because of this reason. This resistance of pest against the B. Thuringiensis produced toxins was first confirmed by Monsanto scientists. Chinese farmers have also reported the same question as after growing the Bt cotton for ten years continuously the pests of cotton became resistant against the B. Thuringiensis produced toxins. Similar problems with the mealy bugs have also been reported in India. The Bt crops have also been found to kill the Monarch Butterfly as the pollen also contains the toxins. The toxins in the pollens are present in very small quantity but are sufficient to kill the butterfly. Bt crops are also known to work on the honey bee colonies.

So it can be accomplished that B. Thuringiensis although has some beneficial effects shares negative properties also.

B Thuringiensis - A Boon Or Bane?

Kaka Skills and Goals Video Car AC Compressor Troubleshooting

April 4, 2012

Test For Pesticides in Drinking Water

It is very recommended for people to test for pesticides in their drinking water even if they live deep in urbanized areas and far away from farmland. That is because pesticides can seep into the soil and travel to other areas.

Pesticides can cause various condition problems when ingested along with drinking water. Among the illnesses that pesticides cause when absorbed by the body are:

• Allergic skin reactions such as rashes, acne, blisters and swelling
• Swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose
• Shortness or rapidity of breathing due to injuries to the lungs
• Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and other gastrointestinal discomforts
• Muscular twitching, lethargy, immoderate fatigue and headaches from damage to the nerves

You can only know if your drinking water is contaminated by pesticides if you test it. The testing can be done at home using a water testing kit. Samples can also be sent to a state-accredited laboratory.

10 base Pesticides Tested in Drinking Water

Below is a list of the ten pesticides that are most prevalent in the water we use for drinking. Some of these pesticides have been banned in the United States, they can still emerge in drinking water tests because pesticides can take as much as 50 years to contaminate water.

1. Chlordane. Prior to its regulation, chlordane was primarily used as a pesticide for corn, citrus fruits, nuts, vegetables, and attractive orchad plants. Nowadays, chlordane is only permissible for use to kill fire ants on power transformers.

2. Ddt. Ddt, which is short for Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane, was popular while the Second World War as an insecticide, often used against mosquitoes causing malaria. After the war, it became a popular pesticide. It was later on discovered to be toxic and was thus banned.

3. Dieldrin. Dieldrin was once man-made as an alternative to Ddt. While it is not toxic, it is determined to be an organic pollutant and is connected to diseases like Parkinson's disease and breast cancer. It was banned.

4. Endosulfan. Endosulfan is a very toxic pesticide that is still being used in countries like Australia, India and New Zealand. Its use mainly lies in wood preservation and control of pests destroying attractive plants and agricultural crops.

5. Endrin. Endrin is an insecticide used to inhibit grasshoppers, voles, mice and other pests from ravaging cotton, cereals, rice and other crops. It was banned in 1980.

6. Heptachlor. Heptachlor was once determined as a non-agricultural pesticide, although its use is now microscopic to development secret cables and power transformers fire ant-proof.

7. Lindane. Although regulated, Lindane has seen use for killing wood-eating beetles and for treating soil in gardens. Lindane is also a component for treatments in killing fleas and lice on pets.

8. Mirex. Mirex is mainly used to control ants and to make items such as plastic, paper, rubber and electronics resistant to fire.

9. Toxaphene. Toxaphene is still in use to conduct pests in cotton fields and vegetable farms, as well as on poultry and livestock. Its use is very regulated, however.

10. Trifluralin. Currently one of the most base chemicals still in use in farms today, trifluralin is mainly an herbicide used to kill weeds and other unwanted plants.

If you think your water furnish is compromised, go for a drinking water test. Touch your local authorities for help if your drinking water is found to be contaminated by pesticides.

Test For Pesticides in Drinking Water

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April 2, 2012

Humans Have The brain - Animals Have The Smarts

Humans have the highest Iq; but animals have vastly more commonsense. How so? Let's consider various settings, beginning with one we all share - time and space.

Time & Space

Wake Up: Animals will wake up when their biological clocks tell them it's time to wake up. Humans wake up when the alarm clock rings!

Going to Sleep: Animals go to sleep when their biological clocks tell them to go to sleep (including catnaps). Humans go to sleep after their favourite Tv schedule finishes, like the late, late show! Humans push the boundaries and often refuse to rest even when their bodies tell them it's desirable. An afternoon catnap ultimately increases productivity, but how many workplaces encourage napping (even briefly) on the job?

Time: All animals have a sense of time, a biological clock. However, unlike humans, one cannot recommend that animals are anywhere near as obsessed with time as are humans. Humans, like animals, regulate their activities by the 'clock', only with humans it tends to be not a vague time, like with animals - just sometime soon as long as the Sun's up - but timed to not only the minute, but often the second. The facility whistle; the timing (start and stop) of a sports event; the start of your Tv program, are all programmed down to the second. New Years Day isn't New Years Day until indubitably the tiniest split second post midnight. Scientific measurements are down to the nanosecond; that phone call is imaginable at exactly 9:15 a.m., etc. You'd be hard-pressed to imagine an animal needing to wear a wristwatch or operate a stopwatch!

Holidays & Anniversaries; Animals attach zero significance to holidays and anniversaries. Humans are obsessed with them, an obsession which often takes a financial, social, bodily and mental toll.

Vacations & Weekends: Animals don't need a break from their daily routine. Humans need (or at least think they do) yearly (or more frequent) time off and away from the routine, not to mention the "thank god it's Friday" syndrome. What does that indubitably say about modern human society?

Territory: Animals will occupy and defend as much territory as is important for their survival and the continuation of their species. Humans any way will often try to possess and rule over as much territory, property, as possible, sometimes for economic (investment) reasons; often for sheer power for the sake of power. Humans are rarely satisfied with what they operate - they always want more and More and More. [See also: Domination]

Matter & Energy

Possessions: Animals have no urge to obtain things, other than that required for survival (like construction a nest or storing away food for the winter). Humans - well, what's the expression, "keeping up with the Jones family" or "shop till you drop"!

Fill What'S Empty

Eating #1: Wild animals, who don't know when and where their next meal might come from, will make hay while the sun shines. Humans, even when they know where and when their next meal comes from, will still over indulge, especially on distinct festive or extra occasions. [See also: Obesity]

Eating #2: An animal, assuming food is available, will eat when it is hungry - a natural state of affairs. A human will eat agreeing to a schedule, at fixed times, when the dining room is open, when the office clock and the boss says "go to lunch now", regardless of need - an artificial (phoney) state of affairs.

Eating #3: A wild animal eats natural foods, as mum Nature (natural selection & evolution) intended it should. Humans tend to eat processed foods, full of preservatives and other artificial chemicals (all to after-the-fact found to be harmful, maybe even carcinogenic), often laden with added salts, sugars, fats, and other tasty bits that don't usually give the human any added nutritional benefits.

Obesity: A few companion animals are allowed to overeat and put on too much weight, because their owners, out of 'kindness' overfeed them. However, most cats and dogs, etc. Are pretty good at self-regulating their intake and saying "enough" when it's enough, even if presented with an unlimited food supply. In humans, the obesity epidemic in the industrialized world, like the Usa, Australia and similar countries is totally out of operate despite thousands of diet books, articles, Dvds, websites and fitness gyms seemingly on every road corner. Now I have a general quota of male hormones, but a good third of all females in the middle of 15 and 35 don't rate a first glance, far less a second because they are very unpleasingly plump (and that's being kind).

Empty What'S Full

Bathroom/Toilet: Animals go potty when the need arises. Humans go after the meeting or while intermissions, whatever. Such restrictions are often unpleasant, but humans impose such restrictions on themselves. Animals have no pity for us.

Greenhouse Gases: My cats can indubitably pass wind. Cows and methane are a well know duo. Humans are imaginable to refrain from emitting greenhouses in the proximity of others other than exhaled carbon dioxide and water vapour.

Scratch Where It Itches

Itches & Twitches: If an animal itches, it scratches and doesn't give a damn if anything or anybody is observing. Humans, in the business of polite community at least, usually refrain from scratching, especially in distinct places. They suffer the itchy/twitchy consequences!

Physical Actions

Good vs. Evil: Animals are neither good nor evil - those are human inventions or concepts. There are no animal equivalents of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. There's no point in saying "good doggie" or "bad pussy cat" since they have no plan of "good" or "bad". They may have learned what is and is not appropriate behaviour (what does and does not piss you off) but they do not understand why. While not every human transforms from good to evil and back again, and again, every human, unlike an animal, is theoretically capable of having a dual good/evil personality. Individuals' aside, when seeing at any large sample of humans, the dual nature becomes obvious.

Revenge & Justice: No animal deliberately plots and executes revengeful actions or has incommunicable agendas. What you see is what you get. Animals don't fly planes into skyscrapers. Animals couldn't even conceive of such a scenario in their wildest dreams. Humans on the other hand - need I say more?

Law & Order: All animal societies have some sort of internal regulation ideas which roughly seems to be ingrained or hardwired. Such regulation usually doesn't go much beyond the parents holding the cubs in line and ensuring they don't put themselves in harms way. Humans on the other hand have formalized their regulation of themselves to such an extreme degree that comparing the regulation of human community to say self-regulation of huge ant, termite or bee colony societies (which does just fine without cops and lawyers), is comparing not so much apples and oranges as the simplicity of a single electron with the complexity of the global weather system. How is it that an animal community can regulate itself without the need for a huge judicial infrastructure and requirement for extremely specialized legal eagles and law enforcers?

Killing #1: Animals kill only as important for their own survival, both in defence as well as obtaining food for themselves and possibly offspring. Humans kill out of sheer sadistic pleasure, for so-called 'sport', often just because they can. My cats, if they wanted to, kill orchad snails - the weight of one paw would do it. However, snails are not food and pose no threat to them, so it's live and let live. That's unlike many humans who if they see a snail, a snail doing no harm to them or anything else, just delight in stomping on them - an 80 kg human vs. An 8 gm snail is no contest. Now that's if the snail is lucky. All too often the sadistic human will just step on the animal lightly sufficient to crack the shell, leaving the snail helpless to whether dry out in the sun or be at the mercy of the ants. It's a very sad state of affairs that such examples can be expanded on by many orders of magnitude over a very wide range of species.

Killing #2: If an animal wants to kill a human it has to get up close and personal. The reverse isn't of necessity true. I wonder how brave our so-called 'sportsmen' hunters would be if the animals they hunted could shoot back. The plan of 'sport' is about equal contests and the same rules for all. Hunting animals therefore is not sport and it is high time the glorification of sport was divorced from hunting, which is anything but a glorious activity. The irregularity might be if the hunter is putting food on the table, but again, that's not a 'sport'.

Creativity & Technology #1: Some animals can be creative and 'manufacture' and use 'technology' like animals that pull off twigs and fashion them to stick into termite mounds in order to pull out a termite snack, or production use of materials to build a nest. But that 'technology' never backfires and bites them on the bum. Humans produce cars, but we have a road toll. We have electricity and accidents happen. We produce nuclear plants then have to worry about terrorism. We have created computers, and thus evolved the distinct computer hacker and the computer virus. We produce all sorts of artificial chemicals then wonder what to do with the toxic waste (actually we don't wonder at all what to do with it - we dump it in the sea or the air since the clarification to pollution is dilution).

Creativity & Technology #2: Animals get along quite nicely thank you very much without Facebook, Twitter, iPads, email, movable phones, Internet message boards, text-messaging, etc. Any human being, especially under the age of 40, and really, indubitably especially under the age of 20, deprived of such technology becomes a basket case in nanoseconds! attentiveness to all those who feel the need to Sms 24/7: leisure is not being tied to your movable phone; in perceive with the rest of the world 24/7! Once upon a time, not all that long ago, human civilization (including teenagers therein) survived and thrived via communications that depended on smoke signals, semaphore flags and the pony express. If you indubitably needed fast, there was the overland telegraph!

Domination: Humans Rule, Ok? Left to itself, mum Nature finds its own non-static, ever changing balance, in good times and bad times. Animals clearly influence that equilibrium and in turn are affected by it. However, no animal species seeks to call the shots and exert extreme operate over that equilibrium - no species except one of course, and no prizes for guessing what that species is. Humans decide, via some sort of divine right the fate and makeup of Earth's ecosystems; what lives, what dies, in what ratios, what the scenery will be like, ever manipulating to find that equilibrium that best suits us, which is going to be as far removed from a natural equilibrium as it is potential to get. Take any human dominated environmental landscape. Remove the human element. Will that environmental scenery or ecosystem remain as is, as humans made it, or experience a radical shift back to mum Nature's balance? Look no added than the typical backyard ecosystem/garden. It wouldn't take long before natural convert would render it unrecognizable if neglected by the garden's occupants. If humans went poof, Earth would soon (in relatively minor geological time frames) come to be equally as unrecognizable as that household garden, or rather as recognizable as it was before humans came along with delusions of grandeur.

Mental Concepts

Birth, Death & Deities: Animals have no plan of their own death, hence an afterlife. They have no remembrance of their plan and probably their birth and of the plan of creation. Animals therefore have no need of religion and deities. Animals therefore have to carry around a lot less philosophical baggage. Humans any way are obsessed with these concepts, indubitably all unnecessary philosophical baggage Imho.

Economics & Finance: No animal jumped out of windows at the start of the Great Depression. They lose no shuteye over the tax man, and bills are something on ducks.

Lifestyle: Animals don't need to go to the 'beauty' parlour for a quick pick-me-up. The whole idea of a collective scene - the right venue, the in-crowd, being seen with the 'right' people - is totally foreign to them. What to wear is a non-issue. The current must have fashions (doomed to be out of date within months if not less) is just so much ho-hum. There's no need or desire for tattoos and body piercing. The latest celebrity scandal in the tabloids is a non-event. Collectables aren't. A snazzy sports car or any other boy toy is boring. Animals don't suffer from information overload. Because animals don't buy any products, they can't be held responsible for any litter that arises (of which there is plenty). Humans any way engage in this ever ongoing, never ending, pursuance in quest of the 'good life' and are usually never satisfied. Animals just enjoy life as best they can one day at a time - they live for the moment.

Drugs: Animals do not wilfully harm themselves with substances foreign to their day-to-day survival. Humans - well there's caffeine, smoking, drinking alcohol, all sorts of recreational drugs with varying degrees of mental addiction and artificial 'stimulation'. Need one say more!

Harmful Habits: Animals do not engage in habits harmful to their wellbeing other than what's required for basic survival, like say a predator taking on prey way larger than itself, defending your offspring from attack, or herds crossing a raging river on an yearly migration. Then there are head-butting type contests over mating rights, but they usually consequent in a back-down, not death or extreme injury. Of procedure animals are still hardwired for the natural environment. Their eons ago improvement and evolution hasn't caught up with our modern civilization yet, and so dogs may chase cars, and the road kill is added evidence of how humans put animals in harms way - they don't do it because they are suicidal. Humans, well from tattoos to body piercing to baking in the sun for an unnecessary suntan to extreme sports, humans like to take on risk without any potential actual added benefit. Habits aside, humans, usually young macho males with way too much testosterone, like to put themselves in harms way - demonstrate the 'right' stuff. Pity more of them didn't end up with a Darwin Award and Remove themselves from the gene pool! I'll drink to that since such self-destruct events wouldn't bother me one iota.

Mental Health: Animals, left to their own devices, are in no need of a shrink. It's only when humans try to force a (square) companion animal into their requirement of a (round) behavioural hole that problems arise. Companion animals under the influence of their human associations have 'need' of pet psychologists, or at least some of them apparently do agreeing to the human, and indubitably it's ultimately the human's fault. Do you think any wild animals have any such need of a shrink? No? I didn't think so. Humans of procedure are often on the couch for counselling and therapy of one sort or another; the list way to long to information in a short essay.

Isms: Animals do not discriminate on the grounds of gender or appearance. A ginger male cat will accept or reject a black male cat on grounds that have nothing to do with fur colour. A white female cat might pick and pick in the middle of lots of male cats and reject them all - that doesn't mean she's sexist or prefers female cats. Humans on the other hand, accept or reject other humans on just such distinctions, plus a whole host of other 'isms' that animals have no plan of in the first place.

Opinions: Animals ask no questions; tell no lies; mind their own business; take everything at face value. Humans - can you say the same about you and the rest of the human race? Let's face it; humans do anything but mind their own business. They happily pass judgements on any other lifestyle (especially one inviting sex in any shape manner or form) that doesn't conform to their own moral standards.

Human-Animal Interactions I'D Like To See

What about jockeys carrying the horses around on their backs as they run around the race track! Now that would be worth watching!

How about a human three-ring circus with an animal audience!

In fact, just about any human-animal role reversal would be interesting.


So what does this diagnosis tell us about the differences in the middle of humans and 'mere' animals? We've seen there are many basal differences in the middle of way overrated humans (overrated by our own human opinions of ourselves of course) and way underrated animals (again, underrated agreeing to the relatively biased opinions of humans). If the human-animal differences are due to natural selection, then there is a puzzlement in why did the rest of the animal kingdom take the 'smart' and commonsense road while humans took the intelligence road? While I'm sure there is an evolutionary connection in the middle of animals and the human animal, I also think there is some incommunicable variable(s) that caused the human branch to head off into uncharted territory (and go off the rails). If these differences (the incommunicable variables) are due to God, what does that tell you about what God is like? Nothing good, that's for sure! If it's artificial selection, but not due to anything supernatural, then things get interesting.

The renowned astrophysicist/cosmologist Stephen Hawking, among many others, is a strong advocate of humans boldly going and colonizing space as the only viable way of ensuring our long term survival. The Big interrogate any way in my mind is should humanity infect the wider cosmic scene? Isn't it sufficient one 'pale blue dot' has to suffer our lot? So, Et, if you are out there; be afraid, be very afraid!

Humans Have The brain - Animals Have The Smarts

12V Power Supply Air Compressor Troubleshooting

March 30, 2012

Your Baby's Eco-Friendly Home

When our son was born nine years ago the last thing on our mind was preparation an eco-friendly home. We were simply implicated with getting him home safe and making sure the environment he came back to was clean, warm, and full of love. Some years later it occurred to us that we could do a microscopic bit more to raise our son in an environmentally conscious way, and so the investigate began. We found abundance of small things to do around our home that were beneficial to his condition and the environment. If you apply these easy tips and ideas you can have an eco-friendly home for your baby too.

Beware of Harmful Cleaners

One of the first things new parents do in anticipation of their microscopic one is to frantically clean. In our haste to create home we often forget how harmful cleaners can be to our babies and our environment. These cleaners may get the job done but at what cost? Some cleaning agents emit fumes that can be harmful to a baby's lungs, eyes, and nose. If used periodically the accumulated supervene can open the door to future condition problems. Other cleaning agents are corrosive. They can irritate and harm our skin; so just think about what those same chemicals can do to your baby's delicate skin. Then why do we buy these cleaners? Simply, because they have been skillfully marketed to us over many years, with no mention of their harmful effects. Our parents did it and some of us are still doing it. Here's the good news, it's easy to turn the page, and say goodbye to those harmful cleaners. If you won't do it for you then do it for your baby.

Parent's can start by avoiding extra impel cleaners. Extra impel cleaners consist of many corrosive chemicals that can leave behind harmful residues. These residues can get on your baby's hands, in their food, on their toys or pacifiers, and a host of other places (if they touch a outside where a chemical was used).

So the inquire is what should you use? Luckily for you I have the answer.

Use mild cleaners like unscented detergents and unscented normal purpose soaps, organic cleaners many of which you can create (For example: club soda, baking soda & salt can clean ovens, lemon juice and water can clean kitchen cabinets, white vinegar and hot water can clean floors, etc.) or buy pre-packaged organic cleaners that are created with the condition of your family and environment in mind. With a microscopic attempt you can green up your clean up in no time!

Leave Those Pesky Pesticides Alone

Pesticides are chemicals that forestall or destroy unwanted pests such as insects, rodents, and fungi. If you observation the old sentence what should charge you is the word destroy. Now do we really want any chemicals in our home whose main purpose is to destroy? I don't think so. Babies are more vulnerable to pesticides than adults because their bodies are just getting used to developing defenses against toxicants. Early exposure to chemical based pesticides can supervene in a permanent change of a baby's biology and brain function. Discrete central nervous theory functions can be adversely effected with constant exposure.

So now you want to know how to protect your baby, assert that breathtaking organery and avoid pests? Good question!

· If you use pesticides on your lawn and they are in your organery products as well, the likelihood of you tracking the pesticides into your home is great because chemicals on lawns and in soil can be tracked indoors. An easy way to avoid this problem is to leave your shoes at the door. It's simple and effective, my popular combination.

· Steer clear of residential pesticides (bombs, fogs, and sprays) in favor of lower toxic pesticides (bait stations, gels, and sticky traps).

· Throw away any old pesticides that consist of Diazinon (an insecticide formerly used to operate ants, fleas, cockroaches and silverfish in residential, non-food buildings) and Chlorpyrifos (a.k.a. Dursban, a home and organery used insecticide). These pesticides have been shown to have a harmful supervene on the nervous theory and the supervene is more pronounced in children.

· Plug up cracks and holes so that pests can't get in. For small holes use caulk. For larger holes use copper mesh or steel wool.

· Here's a no-brainer, clean up! Make sure your home is free of food crumbs that have spilled onto floors and counters. If I wasn't clear before, I'll say it again use organic cleaners to get the job done.

Ventilate Your Home

Let some fresh air in and the bad air out. By bad air I mean the air that is filled with all those stagnant chemical fumes from gas appliances, air fresheners, incense, candles, insect sprays, etc. If these fumes are not let out then they attach themselves to the dust particles of the furniture and cushion in your home. Airing out your home dilutes the chemical fumes that have been left.


We know that going organic can be a bit expensive. We suggest making your own organic cleaners or buying in bulk to cut down on cost. You do not have to go wholly organic but at least try and consist of some organic items in your household. There are many organic products on the market from baby food to nursery mattresses. Find what you like and try it. There's no harm in exposing your family to wholesome and safer living choices. This is one of the few times in your life when a microscopic green goes a long way.

Tips In a Nutshell

- Avoid harmful cleaners.

- Use mild or organic cleaners.

- Don't use pesticides that consist of Diazinon or Chlorpyrifos.

- To avoid tracking pesticides in the house leave your shoes at the door.

- Make sure you ventilate your home often.

Your Baby's Eco-Friendly Home

Homemade Chocolate Covered Spanish La Liga Zone Shopping

March 28, 2012

The Best Natural Pest Preventer

In my recent description on eating organic, I mentioned a stock called Diatomaceous Earth, or De. It's a natural And safe stock used to preclude and destroy pet infestations by home owners and farmers alike. It kills all types of insects, including ticks, ants, and fleas.

Today, I want to talk a little more about De and why it is the best natural pest preventer on the market.

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

De is nothing more than the tiny fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of little algae. This is then ground up into a very fine powder and sold as "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth."

There is also a pool/filter grade De, but this is highly toxic to humans and pets and undoubtedly Not the De I'm referring to in this article.

How Does it Work?

You're probably wondering how in the world a bunch of old, dried-up algae can destroy Anything!

It's pretty simple, actually:

When Diatomaceous Earth comes into palpate with safe bet insects - like a disgusting, blood-sucking tick, for instance - its super sharp edges tear straight through the bug's exoskeleton. All of the water is then absorbed by the De and the bug dies of dehydration.

No chemicals needful so it's safe sufficient to use around your house, in your garden, and even On your pets as a non-poisonous pest control.


How Do You Use De?

It's super easy.

For home/garden use, just spread the Diatomaceous Earth in any place around your premises, paying special concentration to dark, damp areas. An even easier recipe is to mix the De with water and spray the compound using your hose (just like you would with plant fertilizers).

For pets, just rub the powder directly into their fur. You can even put the De into a spray bottle mixed with water and apply it that way, if you wish.

You should begin applying De around your home/on your pets Before the pest you're trying to preclude starts showing up. For ticks, fleas, ants, etc. This normally means mid-to-late spring.

If you already have a flea infestation, De can help you get rid of it. I'll be talking about that more in a soon-to-come article.

Can You Eat It?

While some habitancy Do eat Diatomaceous Earth (I think it's used to "clean the colon" or something), this is not a convention I recommend. There is just no need to consume the fossilized bodies of prehistoric algae.

If you are eating a low fat, high fruit raw vegan diet, your colon is doing just fine.:)

Word Of Caution: No matter what you want to use Diatomaceous Earth for, make sure to buy Food Grade. As I said, the stuff used to clean swimming pools is highly toxic.

How Much Does it Cost?

The best part is that this stuff is incredibly cheap. You can buy a 50 Pound Bag for less than ! I bought 25 lbs of De last summer and I've barely made a dent in it.

Does it indeed Work?

Yes, it indeed does work. I've had two flea infestations in my house and De cleared it right up for me without any need for an exterminator.

No, I'm not being paid buy anyone to say that. I just indeed think De is a great product. It destroys pests, it prevents them from coming back, and it's completely non-toxic!

To think I used to put those horrible, poisonous flea and tick operate products on my little furry friends.


Anyway, go buy some Diatomaceous Earth!:D

Go raw, be fit, and stay pest-free,


The Best Natural Pest Preventer

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March 26, 2012

Natural Home Remedies For Controlling Pest Insects & Bugs

When it comes to pest control, you can spend all sorts of money hiring exterminators or buying smelly (and often toxic) sprays and chemicals for your home, but in some cases, you may not need to go to such extremes. There are a lot of fully natural insect and pest control remedies out there, many of which our ancestors have been using with great success for countless generations. You'll be pleased to know that many of these beneficial items can be found in the mean household.

Though pest control can refer to dealing with pest birds, bugs, and rodents, this report will focus on getting rid of insects.

Insect control in the Garden

Believe it or not, aluminum foil can successfully keep hungry insects and slugs away from your vegetable garden. Naturally mix strips of aluminum foil in with your orchad mulch to deter bugs and slugs. In addition, since foil is reflective, it will shine light back up onto your plants, giving them a solar boost.

Mothballs are an additional one handy insect control gismo for the garden. You've probably heard of using mothballs in the closet to protect your sweaters, but you can also use them to kill bugs on potted plants. Naturally place the plant in a clear plastic bag (i.e. A cleaning bag), add a few mothballs, and seal the bag for a week. When you take the plant out, it will be bug-free (and moths will stay away for a while too). Animals also hate the smell of mothballs, so you can toss a few into your orchad and flowerbed as well, to keep away cats, dogs, and rodents.

Did you know onions are a natural pesticide as well? Here's an easy-to-make concoction that will repel insects (and animals too) in your flowers and vegetables: Use a blender to puree 4 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper, and one quart of water. Put the combination aside and then dilute 2 tablespoons of soap flakes in 2 gallons of water. Pour all the contents in your blender, stir it up, and this gives you an eco-friendly bug spray to use on your plants.

Black pepper is an additional one home remedy that works great for pest control in the garden. If insects are harassing your flowers, plants, and vegetables, Naturally mix pepper with flour and sprinkle it around your plants. Bugs won't be so eager to munch.

Lastly, you can make your own rock dust to get rid of insects in the garden.

Insect control in the House

Dog and cat food, which is often left out around the clock, can be quite a temptation to ants and other insects. A straightforward way to make these six-legged intruders lose interest is to place a border of baking soda around the pet food bowls. Baking soda won't bother your pets (though they probably won't be keen on the taste), so it's no worry for them if they lap a bit up with their meal.

Another household item good at getting rid of insects is vinegar. For example, if your latest trip to the farmers' market brought back fruit flies as well as wholesome victuals, then you can make traps for the flies by filling an old jar about halfway full with apple cider vinegar. Punch a few holes in the top, screw it back on, and the fruit flies will be attracted and trapped.

These are just a few of the easy ways to use straightforward household items to get rid of insects. So when you're having a problem, don't be so eager to pick up a can of chemical-filled bug spray. Look for natural solutions, and you will very likely find them!

Natural Home Remedies For Controlling Pest Insects & Bugs

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March 23, 2012

Natural Detox Tips For Bug operate

Another very good intuit for following a detox diet on a regular basis is the methods we use to de-bug our homes and gardens. None of us want our homes to be overrun by ants, our clothes to be eaten by moths or our barbecues to be ruined by a plague of mosquitoes but, when you think about it, sprays or powders that cause insects to drop dead in their tracks cannot be doing us much good either.

Non-Toxic Bug Control

Fortunately, there are abundance of natural, non-toxic ways of dealing with common bugs in the home and garden. Try the following and see for yourself:

The herb tansy, planted in the garden, will deter ants. Indoors, pile dried mint, chilli powder or borax at strategic points.

Finely ground eggshells deter slugs in the garden

Cockroaches, moths and rodents all hate sage, so tie bunches round the home.

Burn citronella candles to deter mosquitoes when you're sitting covering on a summer evening.

Instead of mothballs, use pieces of muslin soaked in cedarwood, camphor or lavender oil and settled colse to the house, especially in wardrobes.

If your cat or dog brings home fleas, vacuum the carpets and soft furnishings and wash what you can in boiling water. Spray tea tree and eucalyptus oils diluted in water onto furniture and carpets. Comb straight through the animal's coat with a compound of olive oil, mint, eucalyptus and tea tree oil, squashing or drowning fleas you comb out, then shampoo with a mild baby shampoo with a few drops of tea tree and eucalyptus mixed in.

For habitancy with asthma related with dust mite allergies, it's best to remove their homes, such as wall-to-wall carpets and over-stuffed soft furnishings. To neutralize dust mites in these areas, just make a cup of very strong black tea, put it in a sprayer and spray on qoute areas. (Obviously, this is not Ideal on cream sofas!)

To get rid of aphids (e.g. Greenfly and blackfly), spider mites and scale mites, steep two garlic cloves in a liter of water for 24 hours, then spray all over the affected plants.

Is there an ants' nest in your garden? If so, just pour boiling water over them. Pure lemon juice works as well but it's better to save it for use in detox drinks and recipes.

To keep wasps away from a picnic or any outdoor meal, half-fill a tumbler with fruit juice and collect a paper lid over the top - hold it in place with a rubber band. Pierce a hole straight through the paper with a pencil. Wasps will crawl through, attracted by the scent of the juice, but will not be able to get out again.

Natural Detox Tips For Bug operate

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March 21, 2012

Pest operate Solution: A Brief summary

Many insects and small animal are present in our homes of which we commonly don't know. These pests occupy our living space and reside mostly in places which are unhygienic or unclean. Mostly pests like flies, ants, bedbugs and other insects live in or feed on food and may carry infectious diseases and viruses which can make us fall seriously ill, if not controlled and eliminated properly. Pest operate has to be practiced in homes, workplaces or any other communal place in order to supply a healthier and safer surrounding for us to live in.

Pest operate ensures to minimize or eliminate a large number of these annoying pests as well as preclude them from arrival back again in the future. Firstly, is primary to identify the type of pests you are dealing with. Once you find out dissimilar kinds of insects residing in or colse to your home, you will be able to apply the most productive pest operate measures. You can use a mixture of methods fluctuating from non-chemical to chemical method of pest control. Non-chemical method may comprise using poisonous baits, gels or traps. Chemical methods comprise sprays, pesticides or insecticides. Chemical pesticides need faithful handling as they comprise toxic substances which can be hazardous for the health of children and pets.

To use more environmental friendly and safer pest management solutions, you can all the time try organic or natural methods. By planting flowers or certain herbs, you can repel many insects for instance; you can grow lavender plant which repels ants because of its certain smell. Many citizen also prefer biological solutions like getting predators to eat small insects or even rodents. If you have a cat, you can nothing else but get riddance from mice and rats colse to your home.

Since prevention is better than cure, it is best to keep your home clean and tidy to supply no conjecture for pests to intrude your house. Keep garbage bins tightly complete and avoid throwing food in it. Check for leakages in kitchens and bathrooms as well as take off all dirty and old carpets, mat or rugs since they can be the breeding and feeding places for pests. Allowable pest prevention and pest operate can nothing else but help to get rid of many creepy insects before they multiply and originate serious problems.

Pest operate Solution: A Brief summary

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March 19, 2012

Pest control Should Be Left to Professionals

Are you a Gresham homeowner who has an insect problem that you cannot seem to get rid of?

Pests are some of the best workers in the world and at times it seems they never clock out. They are the most active while the positively hot summers and always seem to come colse to when they are least wanted. Of course, all homeowners want a pest free residence but most of them are totally ignorant about how to positively make this happen. If you want to eradicate your pest problem (roaches, bedbugs, water bugs, ants, termites) you need to first educate yourself on how to do so.

Understand that not all inset control chemical is made to kill all species. What works positively good on getting rid of roaches may not work so good for termites. It is likely that you will have to use a compound of chemicals to kill all of the undesirable insects that may be plaguing your property.

This is why it is hard for the mean homeowner to get rid of all the insects himself. He is not well-known with the chemicals that work best on inescapable insects and will commonly end up using the wrong compound and not totally solving his problem.

There are also some insects like butterflies, bees, and ladybugs that you do want. These insects that only do mankind a favor and we absolutely do not want to disturb or get rid of them. For instance chemicals made out of red cedar or great for driving away inescapable insects like scorpions and poisonous snakes (though we do not have poisonous snakes in Oregon) but need to be used very sparingly because bees are very sensitive to them.

Additionally, you want to make inescapable that the chemicals you are using will not sway your lawn nor your garden. There are some sprays and powders that will do a great job at killing unwanted pests will also wreck havoc on any other plant life it comes into contact with. Being knowledgeable about insecticides that are non-toxic will aid you in preventing this from happening.

What's more is that getting rid of insects is not just about using pesticides and chemicals. If only it was that easy but there is a lot more to it than that. It involves a homeowner or pest control company planning and advent up with a routine that will not only control insects but eliminate them for the long term. Spraying once may kill a lot of the rodents and insects you now want but if you do not assert a program they will come back. You also have to understand that like humans pests can become immune to substances when use and excess.

Many local stores or national chains sell pest control items for your mean homeowner to undertake this project by himself. It is not recommended though. With all the involved details that go into managing and eradicating pests it is best to use trained professionals who have studied all the species and all of the chemicals that kill them.

There many things to think about and you will find it far more easier and cost efficient to hire a pest control company rather than doing it yourself. Tell them what you want, program a monthly time for them to come out, and discuss the improve of the campaign with them from time to time. This is the most efficient way of doing it.

Pest control Should Be Left to Professionals

Computer Today and Tips

March 16, 2012

What is Ganoderma? - The 7 Benefits of Ganoderma

Using herbs as herbal therapies has long been used in the Asia. In fact, in Japan, India and China herbal treatments are often used to forestall and cure many sickness and disease.

Can you fantasize if your body is disease free, anti-aging, stress free, full of vigor and strong immunity? Well it isn't that far fetch and it is called Ganoderma. It is also known as Reishi in Japan or Lingzhi in China. It has been widely used as medicinal herbs in Asia for over 2 decades now. It is even known as the most prominent elixirs of the Orient. Well now the secrets out, the west calls this elixir Ganoderma Lucidum, Ganoderma for short.

Our body is amazingly designed such that if we are salutary with a strong immunity, we can precisely fight off all sickness and disorders. One way of ensuring this, is by taking Ganoderma as a nutritional supplement. Here are 7 benefits of Ganoderma:

  1. It works on the whole body straight through the cell level,
  2. It builds up the bodys immunity and hence protects them from disease and disorders,
  3. Has the potential to calm the mind and reduce stress,
  4. Suitable for all ages, from pregnant women to children,
  5. It has no side effects when taken with modern medication,
  6. Has the potential to overcome side effects of other medications thereby relieving patients,
  7. The perfect condition supplement for ant-aging because of its anti-ageing properties

Ganoderma's very nature is to support the body to heal itself. As an alternative therapy it works wonders in alleviating suffering from several diseases such as gastric ulcers, arthritis, insomnia, diabetes, hypertension, all kinds of allergy, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, neurasthenia and many more.

Although it is Not a replacement for your current medicine or medication, it is an adjuvant therapy as it helps your body to release toxins, improve the immunity and hence heal itself. Ganoderma does nothing more than help your body do its job properly.

This it can do precisely since it has 250 medicinal components to help rejuvenate your bodys cells and equipping it to fight disease. Just to name a few, it is rich in Organic Germanium, Triterpenoids, Adenosine, Polysaccharides and Ganoderic essence. Ganoderma has no side effects and in fact is the safest anti-aging condition supplement. Adaptogen is a curative idea for which a Nobel prize was awarded and it describes any substance that is non-toxic, has unabridged normalizing corollary and not minute to any extra organs or tissues.

Icing on the cake, Ganoderma has been recognized as the King of Adaptogens. The adaptogen idea aims to cure by normalizing all body functions. It holds the idea that unless everything is put into its right track, there can be no faultless cure.

For more facts please feel free to visit

What is Ganoderma? - The 7 Benefits of Ganoderma

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March 14, 2012

Orange Oil, The Natural Cleaner and Multipurpose Bug Killer

How many dissimilar chemicals do you have under your kitchen sink right now? Most population have dozens of dissimilar cleaners and household pesticides under their kitchen sink. Did you know that Orange Oil can do roughly all of their jobs? Orange Oil contains the raw oil collected from the citrus peel while the juicing extraction. No heat is applied while this "cold pressed" process thereby preserving the integrity of the oil. Orange Oil is hands down the most versatile product for those seeking a natural remedy over a chemical. This must have cleaner is also a great insecticide and can even be used to make herbicides! The secret behind why orange oil is so great is called D-limonene. D-limonene is a natural solvent found in the peels of assorted citrus that has numerous household applications.

Most population have a few dissimilar "go to" cleaners they like to use depending on what outside they are cleaning. These cleaners usually have any ingredients that are very harsh chemicals that are extremely toxic to population and pets. any of the most favorite all purpose cleaners on the market as a matter of fact say that you will need to wash all surfaces you use it on with water before the outside can come in to touch with food. So you will have to clean your kitchen counters twice to avoid Contaminating your food with your cleaner. Why bother when you can clean it great the first time with something thoroughly safe and non-toxic? Orange Oil is a splendid cleaner that is made from the naturally occurring oils in citrus rinds and it is extremely concentrated. Mix two ounces per gallon of water to make a qualified cleaning solution. The product has an emulsifier mixed in, but you will still need to give it a good shake before using it. Once mixed, this cleaner will clean any stuck on mess off any surface! It is a mild solvent so test it on a small area of the outside you wish to clean first. Orange oil is great for getting those as a matter of fact stuck on messes like baked on liquid on the stove or dried up juice on the floor. It is great for cleaning the Bbq grill or for removing tar and other extremely stubborn messes. Always keep a bottle of orange oil mixed up under your sink and arrange of all those other harsh chemicals properly.

The same qualities that make the oil a qualified cleaner also make it an extremely productive insecticide. All insects are covered with a waxy coating that protects them from drying out. Orange Oil dissolves this coating causing insects to dry out, dehydrate, and die. This is splendid for treatment for many base insect pests. Mix two ounces of the citrus oil to 1 gallon of water or ½ an ounce to a 32 ounce spray bottle. Then naturally spray on the pest. This is a touch killer. In other words, you must make touch with the insect in order for it to kill them. They do not die on touch but soon thereafter. It can be used in the home or out in the garden. Orange oil is also great for manufacture a drench to treat fire ant mounds. Add 6 ounces to a gallon of water to make a mound drench. Take your gallon combination and start pouring it on the outside of the mound in a clockwise appeal until you reach the town of the mound. Pour the drench, gradually so that it soaks in and does not run off. Soak the whole mound. This drench is great to use when you are planting and dig into a mound. The fast acting orange oil will have you planting again within minutes instead of waiting around for a bait to work. Orange oil is a fast productive pesticide that works on all insects and is great for use in your orchad or in your home.

Next time you reach for a multi purpose cleaner or a bottle of insecticide think about the chemicals you are spraying in your home. Why expose yourself to these toxic chemicals when there is a simple, effective, and safe alternative effortlessly available? Orange Oil has the power to tackle your cleaning and pesticide needs whether it be in the house or in the garden. Keep a bottle of Orange Oil under your sink and in your shed and you will be ready for any mess or any pest.

Orange Oil, The Natural Cleaner and Multipurpose Bug Killer

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