March 23, 2012

Natural Detox Tips For Bug operate

Another very good intuit for following a detox diet on a regular basis is the methods we use to de-bug our homes and gardens. None of us want our homes to be overrun by ants, our clothes to be eaten by moths or our barbecues to be ruined by a plague of mosquitoes but, when you think about it, sprays or powders that cause insects to drop dead in their tracks cannot be doing us much good either.

Non-Toxic Bug Control

Fortunately, there are abundance of natural, non-toxic ways of dealing with common bugs in the home and garden. Try the following and see for yourself:

The herb tansy, planted in the garden, will deter ants. Indoors, pile dried mint, chilli powder or borax at strategic points.

Finely ground eggshells deter slugs in the garden

Cockroaches, moths and rodents all hate sage, so tie bunches round the home.

Burn citronella candles to deter mosquitoes when you're sitting covering on a summer evening.

Instead of mothballs, use pieces of muslin soaked in cedarwood, camphor or lavender oil and settled colse to the house, especially in wardrobes.

If your cat or dog brings home fleas, vacuum the carpets and soft furnishings and wash what you can in boiling water. Spray tea tree and eucalyptus oils diluted in water onto furniture and carpets. Comb straight through the animal's coat with a compound of olive oil, mint, eucalyptus and tea tree oil, squashing or drowning fleas you comb out, then shampoo with a mild baby shampoo with a few drops of tea tree and eucalyptus mixed in.

For habitancy with asthma related with dust mite allergies, it's best to remove their homes, such as wall-to-wall carpets and over-stuffed soft furnishings. To neutralize dust mites in these areas, just make a cup of very strong black tea, put it in a sprayer and spray on qoute areas. (Obviously, this is not Ideal on cream sofas!)

To get rid of aphids (e.g. Greenfly and blackfly), spider mites and scale mites, steep two garlic cloves in a liter of water for 24 hours, then spray all over the affected plants.

Is there an ants' nest in your garden? If so, just pour boiling water over them. Pure lemon juice works as well but it's better to save it for use in detox drinks and recipes.

To keep wasps away from a picnic or any outdoor meal, half-fill a tumbler with fruit juice and collect a paper lid over the top - hold it in place with a rubber band. Pierce a hole straight through the paper with a pencil. Wasps will crawl through, attracted by the scent of the juice, but will not be able to get out again.

Natural Detox Tips For Bug operate

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